What is the best reply to “nice to meet you” or “nice to talk to you”?


“Nice khổng lồ meet you!” It’s a pleasant và familiar way to lớn greet someone you’ve sầu just been introduced to lớn by tin nhắn. But it’s also enough of a cliché that you may want lớn change up this stoông chồng phrase, especially when the stakes are higher.

Bạn đang xem: What is the best reply to “nice to meet you” or “nice to talk to you”?

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Should You Say “Nice to lớn e-meet you?”

When you connect with someone for the first time via tin nhắn, it can feel strange to lớn say “Nice lớn meet you.” After all, you’re not exactly shaking hands and making eye liên hệ. Should you acknowledge that this is an online meeting & not in person?

I encounter this situation a lot In public & truyền thông media relations, where connecting with new contacts by gmail is an everyday thing. Many people still write “Nice to e-meet you” or “Nice khổng lồ virtually meet you.” Although it’s a polite and friendly greeting, it feels unnecessary, và even a little old-fashioned, khổng lồ acknowledge that the meeting is taking place online. It’s as if you’re saying, “You’re not quite a real person to me because we haven’t met IRL.”

Drop the “e-meet” và the “virtual” references. We live and work in a digital world, and it’s time khổng lồ move forward. Even Forbes agrees!

Here’s a tip: Avoid getting đáng yêu with quotation marks. The quotes around meet in “Nice to lớn ‘meet’ you” invalidate the word, so your sentence implies: It’s nice to lớn not really meet you. That’s just plain weird.

How can you respond to an introduction in a more original (và less awkward) way?

Other Ways lớn Say “Nice khổng lồ meet you” in Email

1 “I’ve sầu heard great things about ___.”

When your new contact’s reputation precedes them (in a good way), it never hurts to lớn let them know you’re aware. We all lượt thích khổng lồ be recognized for our work. When you acknowledge the other person’s experience and skills, you validate them and start the conversation off in a positive sầu way. You’re saying, “I see you.”

If you know specifics, go ahead & be specific. It’ll make your email seem more personal.

Hi Joe,

I’ve heard great things about your content kinh doanh work at ABC Industries! In fact, I noticed that your team just revitalized the ABC blog, and it looks like things are moving in exciting new directions.

2 “Thanks for the introduction.”

This one works two ways. You can use it when someone else has introduced you to a new tương tác. You can also use it as a response when someone introduces themselves to lớn you. Saying “thank you” has been proven to lớn enhance our social bonding—a good thing when you’re trying khổng lồ make new connections!

Saying ‘thank you’ goes beyond good manners. At the kết thúc of the day, initiating a social bond can be risky. We need khổng lồ be selective và choose to lớn invest in those bonds with the highest likelihood of being a good investment. In this context, an expression of gratitude serves as a signal that the expresser is a good candidate for a future social relationship.

—Lisa A. Williams for The Conversation

READ: How to Write a Great Thank You Letter

3 “I’m looking forward to working with you.”

If you’re excited about establishing a new working relationship with someone, go ahead và say so. In fact, feel không lấy phí to lớn use some variant of “nice lớn meet you” and follow it up with reasons why you’re pumped about working together.

Xem thêm:

Hi Asha,

It’s awesome to meet you. I’ve sầu always been impressed by how well ABC Industries gets its name in front of the press, so I’m excited khổng lồ work one-on-one with their head of truyền bá.

Meeting new work contacts can be anxiety-inducing. There so many unknowns! A greeting that expresses excitement about the partnership can go a long way toward relieving some of the stress & forging a bond.

4 Just dive sầu right in.

Sure, it’s nice to say something that tells your contact you’re happy to lớn meet them, but it’s also not strictly necessary. In the business world, we all appreciate people getting, well . . . down lớn business.

The key khổng lồ skipping the social nicety lies in the context of your email. If your email is strictly business, bypassing the “nice khổng lồ meet you” portion could make your message sound too abrupt. On the other hvà, if you have some positive sầu or upbeat things lớn say, it makes sense lớn be direct and cut straight to the exciting details.

5 “Nice to meet you” or a variation.

There’s nothing wrong with saying “Nice to meet you.” It’s one of those social pleasantries that we barely notice when it’s there. And yet, it adds a dash of politeness khổng lồ your tin nhắn message. If “nice khổng lồ meet you” sounds too clichéd, you can try one of these variations on the theme:

It’s great connecting with you.Pleased to lớn meet you.Lovely lớn meet you.How bởi you do? (Formal. Especially in Britain)Delighted to make your acquaintance. (Very formal)
