Cách chuyển word sang ảnh tự động, miễn phí, không cần phần mềm

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Bạn đang xem: Cách chuyển word sang ảnh tự động, miễn phí, không cần phần mềm

Free & easy-to-use online tool khổng lồ convert Word docs khổng lồ JPG images. No registration or installation is required khổng lồ access.

Microsoft Word can conveniently save .doc and .docx files to lớn quite a few other formats, but lớn JPG, it cannot. Worry not, though, as we offer online tools that can quickly transform your documents for your needs, in a few clicks. Image formatting và image unique will be fully retained, as they progress from doc file format to JPG.

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As you’ve figured it out from the excerpt above, the Word khổng lồ JPG converter online actually comprises two similar converters, Word khổng lồ PDF và PDF to lớn JPG. To change the tệp tin extension back from JPG to Word format, you can reverse the process with these online converters. For more information (especially when you are dealing with scans), bởi read up on the JPG khổng lồ Word guide on our blog.

I Need Help With the output Files


As your document is in PDF or JPG format, further manipulations are feasible, via the many online tools. Over 100 guides on how to lớn use our tools are available on this blog for you to lớn read through. But in all honesty, with the slogan to lớn ‘make PDF easy,’ you can learn on the go straight from the tools themselves. All they require is a drag & drop & a few optional navigational clicks.


As a popular online site, our team strives khổng lồ be as compatible as possible for our 40+ million monthly users. Word documents can be uploaded from any operating system, such as Windows, Mac, or Linux. For mobile users where storing non-image files can be tricky, you can export and convert doc files from two prominent online storage services: Dropbox và Google Drive, directly from your website browser.

What Are the Costs of the Tools?


The entire dailykhmerpost.com trang web is available for anyone to lớn access và use, for all your digital document needs, for không tính phí online. There are tools lớn convert tệp tin formats, combine pages, or even create online electronic signatures. We also offer Pro subscriptions, which means frequent users can unlock a handful of bonus features, including converting Word to lớn JPG images as quickly as possible, i.e. Through batch processing và a 20% faster upload speed. If you’re unsure whether you need the Pro subscription, we offer a miễn phí trial so you don’t need khổng lồ commit right away, so there’s really no reason not lớn try it out!