Cách xóa header and footer trong 1 trang word 200sim mobi so dep gia re tphcm

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Change or delete the header or footer from the first page

Double-click the first page header or footer area.

Bạn đang xem: Cách xóa header and footer trong 1 trang word 200sim mobi so dep gia re tphcm

Check Different First Page khổng lồ see if it"s selected. If not:

Select Different First Page.

Content of the header or footer on the first page is removed.


Add your new nội dung into the header or footer.

Select Close Header và Footer or press Esc lớn exit.

Change or delete a header or footer from another single page

To delete or change headers and footers on individual pages within a document, start by inserting a section break.

Important: Section breaks are different from page breaks. If you already have a page break before the page where you want khổng lồ change the header or footer, remove a page break và replace it with a section break as shown below.

Click or tap where you want to lớn start a new page without the header or footer.

Go khổng lồ Layout > Breaks > Next Page lớn create a section break.


Double-click the header or footer area to mở cửa the Header & Footer tab.

Select Link to lớn Previous lớn turn off the liên kết between the sections.


Select Header or Footer và do one of the following:

Choose Remove Header or Remove Footer .

Add or change the content in the header or footer.

(You’ll need lớn repeat steps 3-5 if you want to delete or change both the header and the footer.)

To return to the body of your document, select Close Header và Footer or press ESC.

Change or delete the header or footer from the first page

Double-click the header or footer area (near the đứng đầu or bottom of the page) to mở cửa the Header và Footer tab.

Xem thêm:

Check Different First Page to see if it"s selected. If not:

Select Different First Page.

Content of the header or footer on the first page is removed.


Type new content into the header or footer.

To return lớn the body toàn thân of your document, select Close Header & Footer or press ESC.

Change a header or footer on another single page

To change headers and footers from individual pages within a document, start by inserting a section break.

Important: Section breaks are different from page breaks. If you already have a page break before the page where you want khổng lồ change the header or footer, remove a page break and replace it with a section break as shown below.

Click or tap where you want khổng lồ start a new page without the header or footer.

Go to Layout > Breaks > Next Page lớn create a section break.

Double-click the header or footer area (near the đứng top or bottom of the page) to xuất hiện the Header và Footer tab.

Select Link khổng lồ Previous khổng lồ turn off the liên kết between the sections.


Select Header or Footer và do one of the following:

Choose Remove Header or Remove Footer near the bottom of the menu.

Edit or change the Header or Footer.

(You’ll need to repeat steps 2-5 if you want khổng lồ change both the header and the footer.)


To return lớn the body toàn thân of your document, select Close Header & Footer or press ESC.

The header and/or footer is changed from the first page after the section break.


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